
Where do people wear RFID Wristband?

When you see such question, where do people wear RFID Wristband, you may hesitate to say not so many, but let see around, you will find it’s everywhere.
If you go to a concert or music festival, you can not see paper ticket any longer, every visitors wear a wristband, if you take part in a large event, just wave your wristband on hand in front of the reader, you can pass in.
If you go to a bar to have a drink, you will see bouncer will not sell drink to juveniles without checking their age again, just check the color of the wristband people wear. when you go to the buffet, only take the RFID wristband you can access to the area of food, then you move to amusement, people will not pushing out their wallet for each game and consumption, the only action they should take is waving wristband.
Unfortunately, sometimes we have to go to the hospital, we would see every patient got a RFID wristband, even the new baby and mother.
On weekend, let’s go to the museum, RFID wristband come into our view again. How about go to the water park? You will say goodbye to taking keys.
You will be curious why so many places apply RFID Wristband, and what’s RFID Wristband? actually there is a chip inside, linked with certain information and give to people use in different places, let’s go to those places one by one to see how does it work.
Concert or music festival
Usually there are thousands people come from everywhere, get together in the area to enjoy the concert, but security and access control is the most and essential thing, before, people take the paper ticket, check one by one, the entrance always crowd with people and somebody may rush into without ticket, this may cause dangerous if somebody been pushed down, there would be cause chaos. But now, everybody wear the RFID wristband instead of paper ticket, go to the right entrance which related to their wristband ticket, like VIP ticket, discount ticket, only the chip inside the wristband match the entrance reader can be pass, or the door can not open. No body rush, no body take a wrong way, everything goes smoothly than before.
Next, let’s go to the bar see around
At the reception desk, you will show your ID card, according to the age, workers will give you a different color wristband, when you get a drink, the charge will encode in your wristband by a handhold reader & writer, from the color of wristband, no alcoholic beverages could be sold to juveniles, you will take the total charge when you leave the bar, it’s so convenient for customers and bar owner.
RFID wristband in bar
After leave the bar, maybe a little hungry, let’s go to a buffet to get some delicious.
As the same as the bar, we should wear a RFID wristband as well, and choose the suitable area, such as $39 per person, or you prefer $45 per person, in this way, more clients are attracted to come since there are more choice for customers to choose from.
rfid wristband in buffet
Sometimes we will feel not so good, have to see a doctor, you can see every patient wear a rfid wristband at in-patient department, there is only a number on the wristband instead of all personal information. You see, personal information protected so well, make sure the safety of patients. On the other hand, all state of an illness encoded in the wristband, doctors will not give a wring treatment or medication due to taking the wrong document. If you go to the maternity ward, you can see the first day baby come into the world wear a RFID wristband to connect to their mothers.
rfid paper wristband in hospital
Walk out the hospital, we prefer to go some entertainment place–Amusement.
In the amusement, some games are not suitable for children because of height restrictions, but how to avoid measure one’s height before every game? Now a RFID wristband works. At the entrance, children’ tickets are different from adults, those tickets can not access to the reader of restricted games, also to distinct it from other obvious, can make it in different color, so you won’t worry about your kids skip into those restricted games now.
rfid wristband in amusement
At this time, you may want to ask a question, why holders pay much to change equipment to RFID system, what’s they get is the most important thing–data, from the RFID system collected data, they can know clearly customer demographics, when and where they coming, so holders can invest more to attract more clients. If you are a holder or shop owner, would you like to try?
Welcome to share your ideas about RFID wristbands!


RFID Wristband Cashless Park Ticket

We live in a age where people are willing to spend more and more time get together in a theme park or take part in a festival event, sometimes take family go to the seaside park. With the trend of an increase in population, tickets of those places are going to be the major factor in what you experience there, security and access control becoming the most important and sensitive aspect of visitors enjoying themselves.
Most theme parks and event holder realized this question, starts implementing to their ticket structure with changes. From original paper ticket to smart card and till now RFID wristbands, which brought a substantial change in the way we looked forward to nowadays theme park vacations, we can say good bye to pulling out our wallet when we want to buy ice cream in the seaside park, just wave our wristbands on the checkout station. We can through out the key of our storage box instead of worry about missing key when we swimming. What’s you should do is enjoy the whole time just wear the RFID wristband cashless ticket and make any consumption just wave your wristband.Sustainable Smart Wristband
Let’s see how to do that!
Before 30 days of your vacation, or even longer, you can buy the ticket online, submit your name, phone number, the theme park will encode your information in the chip of wristband then mail to you, you can recharge on the website when you receive it. once your vacation is coming, just take the RFID wristband ticket go straight to the theme park without wasting any time to queue up to buy ticket, you will find you are so luck when you pass by the long queue, vacation is limited but you make full use of it and did not miss out on those good times to ride your favorite rides.
If you already have the RFID wristband ticket, what you need to do is only log in the theme park website, and recharge, how lucky you are, sometimes you can get discount or get a souvenir.
You may be curious about why does theme park cost a lot to implement so many equipment to realize cashless environment park? Firstly and the most important is give their customers better experience, secondly, they can band to clients with this small wristband.
When you buy this ticket online first time, theme park get your name and phone number even address, they can send you message when some facilities imported, which invite you to come to the park to try a new game, will you eager to go there to try it? When your total consumption up to $500, they will mail a gift to your home for free, would you expect the next gift? On the other hand, you are keeping the RFID wristband with the theme park logo, which reminder you the happy time in the park, you are definitely to go there again.
So we have to say the small RFID wristband must be win-win solution for the theme park and visitors.