RFID used widely in our life and work, but some person still doubt what
RFID can do? Today we will list something the RFID can do.
1. Logistics & Supply Chain
In the past, need 4-5 persons for one warehouse to check the goods at least, each month have to cost one day even more to check the details and quantity, also may make some mistakes.
With RFID, can winning in the supply chain, can increasing efficiency, reducing errors, and improving quality. also can reduce the labour, no longer need 4-5 persons. at the same time, all datas can be share on the computer.
2. Item inventory tracking
Tracking assets on the item level is beneficial across a broad cross-section of industries, like a factory need to know the whole assets, count by person would cost too much time and even lost some, everytime change the new equipment, have to count again. witht the RFID, only with a reader, after scan, you can get the name and type and the years of the equipment.
3. Gaming
In school there are many activities, like yo-yo, how many circles the yo-yo turns, if by human, it’s hard to count, but with the RFID, can know clearly the yo-yo’s speed, after time’s up, scan the RFID label, it’s easy to know who is the winner.
4. Attendee Tracking
If you’ve ever managed a large conference before, you’ll know that it’s key to keep the flow of traffic moving at a steady pace, also you have to know who is attended, but the speed is important, how to solve this problem? Use the RFID, when attendee pass, the read can get all the details, speed is fast, also can get the attendee information.
5. Materials management
In construction and other related industries, materials are often the largest project expenditure. On large job sites, simply finding materials can be problematic. RFID solutions like Jovix take the guess work out of the equation.
6. Access Control
Certain areas require an expected level of security and access. From doors to parking lots, RFID access control tags restrict access to only those pre-approved. no longer stay for a long time to wait the person admit you to pass away.
7. Tool Tracking
For industries that rely on a large variety of tools, fasteners, and other items, managing the availability of those assets is a frustrating process. Depending on the level of complexity, RFID tool tracking systems track which tools have been grabbed, which employees have taken resources, and which resources haven’t been returned to the tool crib.
8. Library Systems
An RFID library solution improves the efficiency of circulation operations. While barcodes require line of sight, RFID tags can be read from multiple angles which means the checkout and check-in process is significantly faster. Also, as noted above in the retail section, taking inventory of books on the shelf is dramatically faster.