
Hello! Plastic Card

As metion to the plastic card, everybody would be familiar with it.
When you first meet a business man, you will exchange your business name card, stand out from the crowd with a plastic business card versus the traditional paper card. The plastic business card will look and feel different, and it won’t rip, tear or crumple like its paper cousin. Obivious, a plastic card as your business card will make yous stand out in a crow of paper cards.
When you in front of checkout counter, the cashier would say ‘Do you have a membership card?’ you can get the discount everytime if you own a membership card. as the same as hotels, clubs, supermarkets, stores, restaurant, every places in our life.
Nowadays, chip implant to the card, applied large field, like parking card, hotel door lock and key card, E-Card in school, purchase card…

We have to admit, the plastic card already play an important role in our life, open your wallet, there must be some cards in it, since that, let’s call this is a cards world.

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